So, Chicago huh? Pretty amazing city so far. I got here a day earlier than everyone and had a chance to walk around a little bit. The architecture is simply too much for me to handle at times. I was constantly looking up, snapping away.
These shots are just a little taste of what I've seen so far. So much history, so many great details. I didn't realize how big this city is. So many different buildings from different time periods. Just walking around is very humbling and you realize how quickly these buildings were built. Everyone is outdoing the other, each with more and more ornate additions, but all with respect to one another, emulating them in one way or another.
I'll post some more when I get the chance, time to get back…

Willoughby Tower looking tough. Love those crazy eights.
The Carbide and Carbon Building. Now the Hard Rock Hotel. Designed to look like a champagne bottle.

We’ll follow up with more photos of Chicago tomorrow. In the meantime, you can keep up with our ongoing posts on the @losttypecoop Instagram. If you’re in Chicago, make sure to register for An evening with Lost Type, happening August 12th.