We are very excited to be heading to Chicago for our 4th annual Field Trip!

Each year, after working as long distance digital collaborators, we have the opportunity to meet in the same city and live together under one roof.
One part team bonding, one part sourcing inspiration, these trips are something we look forward to year round, and I’m so excited to see everyone again.As each year passes, these trips feel more and more like family reunions, and I can’t wait to see what inspiration sits inscribed into the side of a sandstone building or in a dusty old book in an archive. In the past the sparks of ideas on these trips have sent us on multi-year projects. The anticipation I feel right now is not only excitement to see my friends but to find out more about the project I am soon to be obsessed with producing.
Keep up with us via the #fieldtripchi hashtag, and follow the brand new LT instagram account (finally).