We’ve been talking about a Lost Type Official Store for quite some time, and we are proud to announce that our first 2 products are here!
Included in our inaugural product lineup are The Ribbon Specimen Book, and The Official Button Kit. Both of which are the hard work of many designers, whom we are honored to have worked with.
Brand new on the shelf is the Official Button Kit, a set of 5 randomly selected (and specially designed) Lost Type 1″ Pin Buttons. The package itself, featuring a word pattern by Linda Eliasen, Custom lettering by James Edmondson, a back panel illustration by Justin Mezzell, and the design and hand fabrication of Jim Leszczynski, was truly a group effort in the spirit of Lost Type itself. Big thanks to Jim, for making this thing real. You’ll even find our ‘Purpose Made’ badge by Richie Stewart, on a pin.

The Ribbon Specimen Book (introduced in October), is a 35 page custom bound book in a limited edition of 300. The brainchild of Dan Gneiding, the book features spreads by our talented designer friends, including Linda Eliasen, Mauricio Cremer, Chaun Osburn, Jim Leszczynski, Olivia Verdugo, Elysse Ricci, Andy Rementer, Namik Schwarz, Lachlan Heywood and Ryan Katrina.

We couldn’t be more proud to offer you these products for the holidays. Free shipping, internationally, on all products!
So pick up a book and some buttons, and help support Lost Type!