I’m proud of Jim. Having started working with LT when he was in college, he now runs his own design studio, Good Behavior, and continues to collaborate with LT on projects ranging from the button kits in our store to type specimens and other additions. He’s a hard working and kind hearted person, the world could use more people like him.
Name Jim Leszczynski
Based in Detroit, Michigan
What disciplines do you specialize in? Brand, Identity, Illustration, Print.

What’s your typical day like? Every day is a little different! After deciding whether or not pants are required for the day, I spend time training my dog in the mornings and working late. Running my own shop has allowed a lot of flexibility to budget my time doing the things I love most.
How did you first get interested in typography / lettering / type design? I first discovered the power of typography at my internship with Moxie Sozo in Boulder, CO. I thought it was fascinating how type and lettering were incorporated into their packaging and print collateral. Some of this experience translated to projects with Lost Type, like our button kits.

So… How do you feel about Curlz MT? Curlz MT is super cute! What would elementary school teachers and dance studios use if we didn’t have it?
What’s your favorite breakfast food? The obvious and only answer to this question – for all individuals on this bountiful green earth – is bacon.